在今日(2020/04/16)出刊的《商業周刊》第 1692 期「巧克力 不設限」專題中,我以三個主題——巧克力雕塑、純素巧克力風潮與台灣巧克力——共十頁的篇幅,為大家介紹了無垠寬廣的巧克力世界。
Read Morele Montgolfière / 巧克力熱氣球
[Paris pastry news / 巴黎甜點新聞] Easter collection of Maxime Frederic / Maxime Frédéric 主廚的復活節系列創作
It was definitely not easy to come to Four Seasons Hotel George V Paris this morning because of the traffic control due to the movement of Gilet Jaune. But I have made up my mind, nothing could stop me. I made several transfers, detours, and a long walk and finally made it before the Easter pop-up closes its door tomorrow. What is there that has been alluring me? Needless to say, it’s the magnificent Easter creations presented by one of my most admired chefs Maxime Frédéric.
復活節週六的早上,我明明知道因為黃背心運動會有交通管制與移動困難的風險,但還是在查了各種資訊後決定出門。在換了數次車、繞了幾次路,最後還在豔陽下走了長長一段路之後,我終於到達喬治五世巴黎四季酒店。到底是什麼如此吸引我、無論如何都想親眼看看呢?那就是甜點主廚Maxime Frédéric今年復活節的創作。
Read More[Paris pastry news / 巴黎甜點新聞] Patrick Roger 2019 Easter collections / 巧克力大師Patrick Roger 2019年復活節系列創作
I was really happy to have got invited last evening for discovering the MOF Chocolatier Patrick Roger's creations for Easter this year. The chef chocolatier is a master in chocolate sculptures as well as in delicious chocolate making. He started his career in a local bakery Maurice Boulay. He worked as a pastry chef in his early days and gradually switched his interest to chocolate and has devoted himself since then. In year 1994, he won the "Grand Prix International de la chocolaterie" and in 2000 he was crowned as a MOF (Meilleur Ouvrier de France) chocolatier.
Patrick Roger是一位真正的藝術家,他原本是學甜點出身,後來在工作中逐漸發現自己對巧克力的熱愛,開始轉向專注於巧克力領域。他在1994年獲得國際巧克力大賽(Coup du monde de chocolat)桂冠、2000年更獲得法國最佳工藝職人-巧克力師(MOF, Meilleur Ouvrier de France)的榮銜。
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