高端甜點師轉身,華文世界首位以系列深度專文拆解法式甜點奧祕的作者。歷經巴黎米其林星級廚房 Le Meurice、Saint James Paris 及知名甜點店 Carl Marletti 等嚴格淬煉,擁有法國專業甜點師資格認證。著有《法式甜點裡的台灣》《法式甜點學》《巴黎甜點師Ying的私房尋味》《Paris for the Sweet Tooth》;譯有《人氣甜點師的新穎傳統甜點藝術》《英式家庭經典烘焙》,另有多部審訂作品。

長期為聯合報博客來OKAPI等媒體及國內外雜誌撰寫甜點專欄,同為巴黎社群媒體界知名意見領袖(Instagram @applespoon)。持續第一手引介與開拓法式甜點的專業知識與趨勢,攝影作品亦散見國際媒體。

畢業於「廚藝界的哈佛」Ferrandi 高等廚藝學校。在成為甜點人之前是行銷人與社會學家,擁有台大商研所、荷蘭 Utrecht University 社會研究雙碩士學位與數年國際品牌行銷經歷。

Ying C. is the first author to introduce the aesthetics of fine French pastry to the Chinese-speaking communities. Her in-depth analysis inspires her readers to embrace the world's latest pastry trends and the many facets of pastry making with appreciation.

Former marketer and sociologist turned pastry chef, Ying continues to share the key to understanding pastries with remarkable photography via her blog and Instagram account. She writes for UDN News, OKAPI.books.com and several online media as well as print press. She is the author of Liés par la douceur: les pâtissiers taïwanais à la recherche de leur identité, L’Art de la pâtisserie française, Ying’s Favorite Addresses in Paris, Paris for the Sweet Tooth and the translator of Opéra and Oats in the North, Wheat from the South (Traditional Chinese version).

Ying graduated from Ferrandi Paris, a renowned French school dedicated to culinary arts. She holds a French professional pastry chef certificate (CAP pâtissier) and boasts experience with Michelin chefs and some of the most prestigious Parisian pastry shops.

Follow Ying on her blog, Instagram and Facebook.